Museo Galileo

The Museo Galileo has a collection of scientific instruments pertaining to the period of Leonardo da Vinci, in particular pieces realized by the Volpaia family, a complete collection of the codices of Leonardo in facsimile, and an ample collection of bibliographic material on his work. The museum is the seat of the Commissione vinciana and over the course of the years has sponsored numerous projects and events. It has been particularly active in promoting initiatives connected with the celebration of the fifth centenary of the death of Leonardo. These include the acquisition of the original photographic plates used to illustrate the first publication of the codices of Leonardo at the beginning of the twentieth century; the creation of a complete integrated archive of digital resources; and the organisation of important exhibitions such as “Water as a Microscope of Nature. Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester”, congresses and research projects dedicated to the genius and his contribution to the technical achievements.

Texts by
Andrea Bernardoni